Despite the dangers of assuming anything, we make some assumptions about our clients. And we allow these assumptions to shape the way we will work with you:
You know your business better than anyone else;
You recognize that a fresh perspective and specialized assistance can help you attain your business goals and free you to devote your attention to the matter of operating your business;
You deserve to be able to rely on business marketing professionals in whom you place your trust; and
You deserve value for your business marketing investment.
Our business is helping yours. We offer business marketing services — consistent, tightly-integrated, and effective business-boosting strategies and marketing tools developed specifically for our individual clients.
No man is an island unto himself, and no marketing tool stands alone. Following is an overview of the marketing services we provide, which will complement each other in the execution of your marketing plan.
Odds are, if you have a business and you have customers or clients, your business needs a web site for optimal success. Seventy-three percent — 148 million — of all American adults use the Internet (Pew Internet, April 27, 2006). No other marketing medium gives you the opportunity to reach so many customers for so little investment, or does everything a web site can do for your business.
We offer Internet marketing services including web site design and development, web site hosting, and web site marketing to optimize your site's results.
As 21st Century Americans, we are surrounded by images and words, marketing messages delivered by the tried and true power of print. Successful businesses rely on print marketing and use it in many forms to develop customer relationships and grow their operations.
Many are the ways that print marketing works for businesses, all possibilities for how we can help you grow your own business:
Corporate or Business Identity — Logo design; Business cards; Letterhead, envelopes, cards, notepads, and business stationery; and Presentation folders
Marketing tools — Brochures; Catalogs; Product information and sell sheets; Labels and product packaging; Posters, coffee mugs, magnets, and other marketing collateral
Advertising — Print advertisements; Direct Mail; Signs and Banners
Publicity and public relations — Newsletters; Press releases; Article writing and editing
Difficult as it may be to believe in the Electronic Age, still roughly twenty-seven percent of Americans are not yet using the Internet. Amongst Internet users there are groups of potential customers for whom print advertising is still the best choice: Those who are not tech-savvy enough to benefit by fully accessing the marketing messages online, and those who are simply not receptive. Yet in all cases, print can work in synergy with Internet promotion in marketing a successful business, conveying all that a business has to offer.
Whether you are a marketing whiz or, like many business owners, a specialist in your field but a relative babe in the marketing woods, we can help you with developing a strategy and putting it into action.
Contrary to common belief, business marketing is more than advertising, more than just sales. Marketing includes every part of the process of identifying and researching a customer need; designing and developing a product that meets that need; pricing that product appropriately and getting it into the hands of the customer through promotion — advertising, public relations, and sales
Marketing is also the creation and maintenance of a business' image and corporate identity. It is telling who you are and what your business does, explaining why your business is better than the competition, and persuading prospective clients to choose your business' products or services. Marketing focuses on maintaining your current customer base and position in the marketplace, as well as business growth and advancing that position. In effect, marketing is the act of building your business' personality.
A marketing plan is a business playbook: defining your business, defining your customers, and detailing the strategy that brings them together. A good marketing plan is a strategic roadmap for your business, providing guidance and direction to reach your destination.
Wherever you fall in the spectrum of "marketing savviness," you'll benefit from the fresh insight we can offer from outside of your operation. The practical marketing plans that we create will keep you grounded and focused in your marketing, on course to achieve your business' goals.